An Intro to Vim
Open up a terminal emulator such as iTerm and ensure you are at your home directory with the command:
- pwd
The terminal should show that you are in /Users/$yourusername. If it doesn't, enter the command:
- cd
This will change directories to your home directory.
Edit the File
Your .vimrc file is where your Vim configurations are stored. As you use Vim, you will start to have more custom configuration in your .vimrc file. I keep a copy of my complex .vimrc on my GitHub, but in general, when you are using Vim on a remote host, unless you are an authorized user, you won't have a custom .vimrc so it's important to be familiar with basic behavior.
In the terminal, enter the command:
- vim .vimrc
set number
syntax on
set wrapmargin=8
set tabstop=4
set autoindent
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