Securing SSH Simple Way

Change SSH port. Yes, it's not the best protection, but it helps you.
Default port is 22 and this change through/etc/ssh/sshd_config at the line Port 22.

Use SSH protocol version 2. At the line Protocol 2.

Forbid root login to access through SSH.
In /etc/ssh/sshd_config at the line PermitRootLogin yes change to no.

Enable only someone users: AllowUsers UserName.

SSH server can be set to listen only some IP address.
ListenAddress Or, you can set /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.
deny specific IP address which have access to specific services.
ALL: localhost #enable access to all services for localhost
ALL: #enable access to all services for this IP address
sshd: #enable access to the SSH server only from this IP address

ALL: #forbid access to all services for this IP address
sshd: #forbid access to the SSH server from this IP address

Forbid X mode. X11Forwarding yes change to no.

You can use SSH key instead of password.
How to do: SSH Password-less Login - Using Key AuthenticationUse 


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